街歩きダンスユニットによる初のZINE! Aguyoshi's ZINE "It's fun to wander around town and pick up choreography from places you like and dance on the streets as you please" *English below 8年に渡ってあちこちの街を歩き周り、 シュールな踊りを踊ってはSNSで発表してきた2人組「アグネス吉井」が これまで訪れたとっておきの12ヶ所を、写真とテキストでご紹介! 「場所から勝手に振付を読み取って踊る方法」の解説ページもあり。 こんな人におすすめ: ・街歩き、散歩が好き ・電柱や配管、車止めなど、街にある物の形がつい気になっちゃう ・地面の模様をなぞって歩きたくなる時がある ================== 目次 Contents: 東所沢のどうぶつ /The Animals in Higashi-Tokorozawa お花茶屋のコーヒーカップ /The Teacup in Ohanajaya 舞鶴公園のつるん /The Glides of Maizuru Park 永田町の石垣 /The Stone Wall in Nagatacho 両国の平行棒 /The Parallel Bars in Ryogoku 狐ヶ崎の幅 /The Width at Kitsunegasaki ★アグネス吉井のやりかた /How Aguyoshi Does Things 方南町のすべすべ /The Smooth Bars of Honancho 隅田川のピクセル /The Pixels of Sumida River 保谷の自販機小屋 /The Vending Machine Shed in Hoya 菅一丁目の鋭角 /The Sharp Angle of Suge 1-Chome 浜田山の布団干し /The Futon Hanging in Hamadayama 金井の黄色い車止め /The Yellow Bollards in Kanai ================== ・A5 ・フルカラー 32ページ ・ChatGPTの補助による英語訳つき ------------------------------------------------------------ Aguyoshi's ZINE "It's fun to wander around town and pick up choreography from places you like and dance on the streets as you please" Japanese-English Bilingual ZINE by a Dance Duo Exploring Towns. Over the past eight years, the two-person team "Aguyoshi" has wandered through various towns, performing surreal dances and sharing them on social media. In this zine, we introduce 12 of our favorite spots visited over the years, complete with photos and descriptions. There’s also a special page explaining our method of improvising dance moves inspired by each location. Recommended for people who: - Enjoy exploring towns and going for walks - Can’t help but notice the shapes of things around the city, like utility poles, pipes, and bollards - Sometimes feel like tracing patterns on the ground as they walk - A5 size - Full-color, 32-page booklet - English Translation Assistance by ChatGPT ** For International Customers: ** You can order up to two copies of the ZINE per purchase. Please make sure to review the shipping fees and return policy (https://aguyoshi.thebase.in/law) before placing your order.
アグよしクリアシール Aguyoshi Transparent Sticker
アグよしの顔と手の部分が透明になっている丸いシールです。 大きさ:5cm × 5cm 素材:透明塩ビ(屋外使用可) This is a round sticker with Aguyoshi's faces and hands in a transparent design. Size: 5cm × 5cm Material: Transparent PVC (suitable for outdoor use) ・画像2枚目:クリアファイルに貼るとこんな感じ ・画像3枚目:木のトレイに貼るとこんな感じ - Image 2: Placed on a clear file. - Image 3: Placed on a wooden tray. ** For International Customers: ** Please make sure to review the shipping fees and return policy (https://aguyoshi.thebase.in/law) before placing your order.
沿ってるシール・木 "Along" Sticker: Tree
アグネス吉井が木に沿ってるシールです。 大きさ: 4cm×4cmくらい 素材:塩ビ(屋内用) Aguyoshi "Along the Tree" Sticker Size: Approximately 4cm × 4cm Material: PVC (for indoor use) ** For International Customers: ** Please make sure to review the shipping fees and return policy (https://aguyoshi.thebase.in/law) before placing your order.
沿ってるシール・歩道 "Along" Sticker: Sidewalk
アグネス吉井が歩道の脇にあるボックスと郵便ポストに沿ってるシールです。 大きさ: 5cm×3cmくらい 素材:塩ビ(屋内用) Aguyoshi "Along the Box and Post" Sticker This sticker features Aguyoshi aligning with a box and a mailbox located at the edge of a sidewalk. Size: about 5cm × 3cm Material: PVC (for indoor use) ** For International Customers: ** Please make sure to review the shipping fees and return policy (https://aguyoshi.thebase.in/law) before placing your order.
沿ってるシール・岩と木 "Along" Sticker: Rock and Tree
アグネス吉井が岩と木に沿ってるシールです。 大きさ: 4cm×4cmくらい 素材:塩ビ(屋内用) Aguyoshi "Along the Rock and the Tree" Sticker Size: Approximately 4cm × 4cm Material: PVC (for indoor use) ** For International Customers: ** Please make sure to review the shipping fees and return policy (https://aguyoshi.thebase.in/law) before placing your order.